EMiR, the market-leading integrated business management system, for the electro-mechanical industry.
Solutions in I.T. are here to help advise you and provide the best I.T. solution for your business. We usually only provide these services to our existing EMiR customers. View our services to see how we can help your business.
Solutions in I.T. offer training services to help you and your staff get up and running with EMiR.
This section lists Testimonials and Case Studies from our existing customers as a testament to the quality of EMiR and the service we provide.
Below are a collection of news releases that we hope will be of interest to you.
"We have been very successful at providing high quality products into the marketplace, but our process used to involve a lot of administration and rely on the quality of our staff. Now with EMiR, the whole process is more streamlined and consistent and takes less effort all round."
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