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May 2014 sees the release of EMiR-CRM V3

22/05/14 May 2014 sees the release of EMiR-CRM v3

What is CRM?

It seems hard to imagine the days when as young sales people we would have a car boot full of dot matrix printed sales reports, a Filofax containing all of our customer numbers and a pocketful of small change to ring in our orders from the local phone box.  The business world has thankfully changed.  The use of not only mobile phones, but web enabled devices ensures we have all we need in miniature whenever we need it.   
CRM is a web enabled extension of your office environment.  A place to view all the information you need to meet the objectives of your sales calls.  I mean, who wouldn’t want to check to see if their customer was on stop, what orders had been met or delayed and the situation of any outstanding opportunity.  Integrated CRM gives you this live information wherever you happen to be. 

How does EMiR-CRM help me?

  • The connection between the core EMiR application and CRM is seamless, each side sharing what’s important.  EMiR CRM can be deployed to every member of your staff at no extra cost, this is an unlimited user extension.
  • Why stop at customer information when you can just as easily hold supplier and internal communications as well?
  • Each user can view a full history of all calls, emails and meetings viewing attached documents and pictures as required.
  • The dedicated follow up system in EMiR CRM ensures that tasks and sales opportunities are never forgotten, even if a member of staff is away from work.
  • By storing all of your prospect information in EMiR CRM a business can begin regular direct and email marketing to inform the next generation of customers and create more business.

“I’ve been involved in the development of Version 3 since I started here in February.  I’m pleased to say that EMiR CRM has added much needed structure to the sales and support function of Solutions in I.T.  With the company spread across three locations in the UK, it is important we are all up to date with the contact that our customers have with us.   With V3 at our fingertips, the information we need is always at hand.”

Steve Ashman, Business Development Manager, Solutions in I.T.

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