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My Work Experience with Solutions in I.T.

29.09.20 Read on to find out what Krisha got up to on her work experience with us!

Last month we invited Krisha to do a few days' work experience with us ahead of starting college. Here's what she had to say about it...

My Work Experience with Solutions in I.T.

Recently, I’ve been working with Solutions in IT to help contribute to my work experience and broaden my skill set.

The first thing I was given to do, was to complete a social media marketing course, which gave me more of an understanding of marketing in general and gave me an insight on how to complete the tasks I had been given. The course was also proven to be helpful as I felt more confident in what I was doing when completing later tasks.

To follow up on the course, I was told to create a presentation on how to improve current social media posts and to come up with my own created content pieces, along with producing a mini content schedule, which would last for two weeks. For my content pieces, I created an infographic explaining the DECiR process and a poster to celebrate EMiR’s 26th year (seen down below)! By letting me have complete control in what I could create, I learnt to be more open to new ideas. I admit that at first, I found out that coming up with new ideas was challenging and took a bit of time, however, once I got the gist, I enjoyed creating the content for Solutions in IT. Presenting my ideas afterwards has helped me to be more confident in myself and in explaining complex concepts and my ideas to others.

Other tasks included office admin such as filing and shredding, however, the last thing I had to do was to create my CV. This was very useful especially since I will need this in my near future when applying to jobs.

Overall, my time with Solutions in IT may have been short, but I learnt how to work in an office environment and what to expect, I expanded my knowledge and improved my skills. I would do this whole experience again as I found it very beneficial to me!

What We Had to Say!

Krisha worked with Lara to gain some experience in marketing. We were all very impressed with her presentation skills when she shared her content schedule and social media ideas with the team, we'll definitely be taking some of her ideas on board!

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